Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Redneck space program

Pinterest strikes again! I have to say its probably one of the worst sites for a dumpster divingq hoarder such as myself to be addicted to. "don't throw that out, I'm totally going to use it. Seriously I've got a plan and everything!" is a common statement of mine not only at my house but at the homes of others or anywhere I patronize. So when I saw this post (Click here ) I had to make it for my little pocket devil. My hoarding came in handy w/ this bc I had most of the items needed on hand. I think that's a gateway for most hoarders, one time it comes in handy that you save everything and from then on you save EVERYTHING and start collecting things that you might someday use...before you know it you are on an episode of "Buried Alive!" and you house is getting condemned. anyway are the results and my redneck alternative to the mars robot mission that NASA recently completed. I'm pretty sure mine had more exciting results from what I can tell mars kind of sucks it's like a mulch yard w/ only red clay for sale, oh yeah and no one to buy it from bc there are no ppl, double boring. Not only was my space program more fun but it was cheaper. I spent maybe $1 in materials for the felt in colors I didn't have like bad ass blue for the flames! You gotta come strong w/ the flames it's a rocket pack! The only real changes I made from the original post were that I used tennis ball cans I scavenged from a match I lost (may have lost my pride but at least I got something ;D) instead of 2 liter bottles mainly bc my son is still pretty small and they would have looked ridiculous like an overloaded Sherpa child instead of like an awesome space man!!!